Saturday, July 16, 2016

Magenta Necklaces?!

Hey Jammers! 
First thing: New Diamond contest on the DE:

Basically just take a screenshot of you and your pets.

Also, these little frog hats are so darn cute!

Except when you're just walking around in them you look really dirty because there's just a whole bunch of flies everywhere... why?

Usually ajhq's outfits are really random and a bit... grotesque, but this arctic fox outfit actually isn't that bad:

Also, I have one last thing to say:

I saw a whole bunch of people advertising that they had them on trade. Is it a joke? Because those necklaces are still in stores... just don't trade for them guys.

Anyways, that was a completely random post, but thanks for reading.


Friday, July 15, 2016

My Animal Jam Story Part Two

So... We left off on my first day of Animal Jam, the one where I played Overflow for six hours straight XD
Anyways, I had a pretty uneventful few months. I didn't interact with anybody.
My sister joined a couple months after me. This is her:

We also made an account called "LightFeet" because... well I don't know why. But this is LightFeet. We hardly ever use this account but for some reason it holds a special place in our hearts.

Whoa, as I was going through that account, I found some really old Jam-a-grams from when they sent them out to everyone prompting the non members to buy a membership.

And also a random ad for Tunnel Town that I never downloaded. It was a mistake.

Now you know I'm from Canada hehe
 Anyways, back to the story.
My brother  also made an account after my sister.

He never plays AJ though, so he isn't even my buddy...
 I found some really cool JAGS on his account as well:

Yeah... Anyways, I got my first membership at the end of 2012. I remember we got on the phone and begged our cousin to get it for us (because she had a credit card and our parents refused). When she said yes we stayed up half the night wondering which pets we were going to get. Ah the good ol' days, when there were no rares to bother you. I mean, there were rares, but we hadn't found out yet XD.

This is also around the time when I remembered that my other friend played AJ as well (antomarley was her username)
So I buddied her and we hung out sometimes, but I didn't really interact much with other people other than the people I knew in real life.

Stay tuned for the next part, because it has a LOT of drama :P



Thursday, July 14, 2016

My Animal Jam Story Part One

Your first question is probably: "Why are you not in your main look?"
Well, that's because this penguin was my first ever animal. Well, it's not the exact same one because I recycled it a long time ago, but it's name was something along the lines of "Professor Shyclaws"
I'll be splitting this story into chunks because it's way too long for one post.
 Without further ado, here's the first part of my Animal Jam story:

I was over at a friend's place. Obviously not mentioning her name. She told me about this cool new website called "Animal Jam". I thought that was a stupid name, so in an effort to convince me that it was a great game, she brought me around Jamaa on her account that she shared with her other friend, called antomarley. Please don't ask where the name comes from. 
Unfortunately, that account doesn't exist anymore, and I'm not sure why. Anyways, she failed to convince me to join, and I went home and launched it from my mind.

I wonder if she deleted her account...
 A couple years later, or actually at the end of 2011, I was poking around the Nat Geo kids website (for a school project), and found a little tab that read "Animal Jam". 
This invoked my curiosity, because it didn't look like any of the other tabs on the website, because it had the little AJ logo on the tab. So I investigated. Eventually, I ended up convincing my parents to let me make an account. 

If you're wondering how I came up with the name "pinpun", to be honest, I am too. I just experimented with words and for some reason thought: "pin", then I thought of another word that started with a "p" with one syllable. Now, at the time, I had no idea what a "pun" was. I thought I had invented the word...

Anyways, back in 2011/2012 there was a different introduction into the game. I genuinely do not remember what it was. But I do remember it plopped me down into an empty world in Jamaa Township. 

Now, at this point in time, I genuinely believed I was the only one online, so I decided to explore the worlds. My second world I ever visited was Mt. Shiveer. 

The first thing I did at Mt. Shiveer was buy an Old Hood. I kid you not, I spent five minutes just staring at the Old Hood wondering how Animals could wear clothes.

Then after I got over that fact, I made some hot cocoa. I remember the exact cup I made, and I also remember wanting to get the old blanket but not knowing if I had enough gems.

My first cup of Hot Cocoa
So, naturally, with my cup of hot cocoa, I had to visit the beach, where  I played six hours of Overflow straight. I kid you not.

And that was my first day in Animal Jam. Not eventful at all.

 Thanks for reading, part two coming soon!

News Crew Winner!

I mean, obviously I didn't win, but the person who did will be or is happy!

Sooo here's her article. She's very well written, unlike some of the earlier News Crew winners. Which I'm happy about.

I'm not sure how she stood out, maybe it was her vocabulary? Anyways, happy for her! Enjoy all the prizes!

Also, the next assignment is a little bit different:

So... you have to write an article in the form of an interview?
Would it be like this?
This is a past article
Or would it be like a regular article? I don't really know, nor do I know if you can interview one shark or have to interview more than one. I asked an AJHQ mod all of these thingsand they replied... maybe HM was annoyed with all of those questions? 

So those are the answers to my questions. I laughed out loud and I don't know why. Just something about his/her response XD
Catch 'ya later!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

"on" or "by"

So whenever I go to Jamaa, I always find someone arguing with another person about grammar. Is it sandwhich or sandwich? Is it on accident or by accident? Obviously it's "sandwich", but AJHQ (SK) put the "on accident" vs "by accident" issue to rest.

So... I say "by accident", but I just always thought that it was grammatically correct to say it that way. 
Anyways, any grammar issues? AJHQ can solve it for you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

AJHQ's Den

So I visited ajhq's den earlier today. It may have been a big mistake. This is literally the most random den in the history of Animal Jam. 
No surprise, it was the Enchanted Island den, or whatever you call it... don't come to my blog for education people, you aren't gonna get it, sorry ^_^
Anyways, the first thing I noticed was the multitude of people there, at the den.

This made it way harder to get a decent screenshot of whatever I was screenshot-ing. Thanks AJ. 
Also, random Jambassador plaque is not appreciated by me. Way to make us regular jammers feel... unspecial. At least I do anyways. Actually I think I'm just in a bad mood today, oh yeah, that's right, I didn't have breakfast. Great.

I also met a future fashion icon. You can totally tell. Just had to grab a quick selfie before anything else, this guys outfit was glorious. (I'm not even kidding, it was amazing).

 The ground floor of the castle was pretty cool, with a sort of space-like vibe. 

The second floor was also pretty cool, sort of Egyptian-y. I would buy this den if it didn't come with the islands, those things are just way too big for me to decorate, I just simply don't have enough items! I'm glad the Pixel Place was smaller.

Moving outside: SO MANY MASTERPIECES. It's expected, of course, but that's still a lot! I didn't even try counting, because I was too lazy and didn't explore very much.

I died of laughter. Ssshhh don't tell anyone, also, please don't get mad at me for pointing this out, it's just a funny looking face, for all of you who don't understand the joke.

 Ah, the spooky island. Usually you would put all of your phantom related items in this section, but ajhq was thinking out of the box. Sunflowers. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.

 If you go down the waterfall, you are greeted with a random lynx plushie and a Graham statue. No, let me refraise that, you land IN the statue. *Sigh*.

Also, phantoms attacking a small, defenseless cottage. Getting a teeny bit dark there, dontcha think?

You know, this is actually a good idea, except the water is floating in space. But whatever, it's Animal Jam, a game where animals wear clothes and goats have square heads and bendy legs. Here's a photo for reference:

You see the legs, right?

Anyways, that's about it for today, have a JAM- oh darn, those dang puns keep getting the best of me!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Most Annoying Things About Animal Jam

UGH, introductions are too hard to write, just read the title. (professionalism at it's best, Pin, great job).

Also, !DISCLAIMER! I am not copying anybody on this, someone else on the internet has probably done or is doing what I am, so please kindly keep you mouths shut. (Whoa that came out mean, I am internally beating myself up about this).

So anyways, here's number one:

 You know when you log in and you see you buddy, so you click on their name and it just LOAD AND LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS forever, and finally you just give up and refresh the page? Well, that used to happen to me a lot, and sometimes still does. The way I try to fix it is by going to my den immediately after collecting my daily spin. Not sure why this works to be honest...

  This is for the people who go to WootMoo or Wisteria's den to trade or whatever they do there. Once, I actually got in in five clicks, which is basically a miracle. Just keep clicking, just keep clicking...

 'Nuff said

 Yeah, this is an unlikely one. The second time I logged onto Animal Jam, I immediately went to Crystal Sands to play Overflow, and while I was there I rode some slides. Now, I am so sick of that twirling motion, it actually makes me want to gag. Also, I actually go the achievement for riding fifty slides, so be proud I actually endured it.

 You know, the ones that come to your den, buddy you and then ask for your help. Or maybe the less tactful ones will ask for your headdress straight out. The sad part is, some people fall for this. I have seen it with my own eyes. Just be careful out there guys.

 When this shop was first released, me and my sister were devastated. Of course, everyone else in AJ that day was just overjoyed as well! Not! This was one of the things that made me temporarily quit AJ. Now I'm back, and this monstrosity is still here... sigh... It also took up my favourite spot to sit in Jamaa Township.

 Now, don't get me wrong, the den itself is pretty, but it's so obnoxious to decorate! I'm not that great at den decorating, but I do know that this is a den decorator's nightmare! Unless you're WisteriaMoon, that is. Or Snowyclaw. I'm not just saying that because I idolize them, they are really good with that symetrical thing. Here's an example:

Tell me that's not the prettiest thing you have ever seen in your entire life!
Anyways, moving on.

It's not really the items that annoy me, it's more of the lack of items that does. I actually love to spend my time underwater, I've decorated some dens and made some looks, but they're always mediocre, because I simply don't have enough cool items. Also, everyone else is more centered around land items, like spikes.

And finally, #9
The way they dance, and move, it's just so jiggly and unlike an actual falcon. Just look at it!

Okay, that is kind of cute, but there's just something about them that really puts me off!