Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Animal Jam Etiquette

Hullo Internet!
When playing AJ, I always try to follow basic rules of politeness, and try to be kind to as many people as possible. However, some people don't seem to be able to fathom the possibility that they have to be kind to other people back. These are the basic rules I feel people need to follow when interacting with fellow Jammers on Animal Jam.

1. When entering someone's den, greet them before entering a conversation

It just really irks me when people don't say at least "hi" before asking me to trade them my spike for their item(s). Even if you're just coming to their den to talk, you have to at least say "Hello". It makes the atmosphere so much more inviting and makes me less grouchy!

2. If asking someone to gift you, be polite

Or, better yet, don't ask anyone to gift you at all! If someone gifts you, it should be out of the kindness of their own heart, not because you keep badgering them. In fact, just ask I was taking these screenshots, this person JAGs me this wonderful message:

Thanks bro.
3. Don't stand on people's animals!

For me, personal space does exist on AJ. You can be close to the other person, or maybe right behind them, but once you're obscuring their nametag, you are too close bud.

4. Don't insult other people's looks, no matter how eccentric they may be

Look, if that fox wants to wear a sparkly boa, rare clown mask, and a superhero cape, nobody can stop them! If that's what makes them happy, they can wear it and work it! There is no need for you to impose on their style and their online life.

5. Don't use the following emotes without reason

Come on, I know that I declined your trade, but that doesn't mean that you have the right to get into a virtual fight with me. It is immature and childish. 

6. Respond to all of your Jam-a-Grams

If you don't like their trade, put them down gently. Don't just ignore them and leave them hanging. I guess you aren't obligated to respond to JAGS that are from AJHQ or where the sender doesn't expect an answer, but if the person sending you the JAG expects an answer back, you have to give it to them.

That's it for some AJ etiquette, thanks for reading! 

PS. I just bought this adorable polar bear pet to twin with my new fox look! They're so cute together!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Penguin and Outfits

Hey peeps!
Today while I was watching my sister play Animal Jam, I noticed that she had the cutest penguin outfit ever! Here are some screenshots of it:

I don't think that the dress was very well made when they were tailoring it to penguins, but you cannot dispute the fact that it looks absolutely adorable *_*

I think the reason it's so easy to make penguin outfits is because they basically have human proportions. An arctic wolf looks more awkward in a dress because dresses are made for humans, not wolves. Therefore making it easier for the designers to fit the items on penguins, as well as penguins generally looking more stylish in those items than other animals.

With this in mind, I created a few outfits in a span of about five minutes. This was extremely easy. Much easier than creating a look, say, for a fox or a crocodile. 

They also didn't look too bad:

So if any of you need a quick outfit for a fashion show, and don't know which animal to go with, a penguin might be your best bet!

Thanks for reading!

Awkward Moments When Conversing in Animal Jam

Hey guys, happy Jamaalidays!
I present to you: some awkward moments in AJ! There sure are a ton *buries face in paws*

1. Those awkward pauses

You know that moment where both of you (or three of you, Mira forbid) are talking about something really cool, like that pet that just came out - and then all of a sudden, you both just stop, because you have nothing to say. And you stay like that for a really long time... just trying to find something to say to cut through that awful feeling. This happens to me a lot.

2. The short conversations

That time when your buddy comes to your den, greets you, and then just leaves without explanation, or worse, leaves right in the middle of a conversation.

Yeah... maybe the fact that I'm so awkward in real life is why I'm so awkward in Animal Jam.

3. When you both start talking about different things at once

This is my biggest fear on AJ. It happens so often in real life that sometimes I'm terrified to enter into a conversation with certain people, and that has transferred over to AJ, it's just such a cringefest (much like the word "cringefest" is a cringefest).

And then, there are those awkward moments when you're just out and about Jamaa:

4. Strangers talking to someone else but you think they're talking to you

Enough said.

Don't even get me started on conversing through Jam-a-Gram...

I hope you enjoyed this little post, have a great day!