Friday, August 12, 2016


Omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh!
I have the nicest friend in the whole world!!!!
Just read it omg thank you!

That was a post on Gracie's blog, *(The Animal Jam Friendship Community)*

Also, thank you so much to LostFairy, who commented:

Aw man I'm going to start crying DX
I wish I had your gift with writing :O
Thank you for believing in me!


More Updates, Mini Rant-y Thing

Oh come on, there's no use in pretending anymore. 
I always try to keep these posts positive and upbeat, because those are the emotions that I want to spread and share, but I just need to get this off my chest.

I've been feeling under the weather, because of this:

Yay! News Crew winner, again! And again, it wasn't me.
I know this sounds  like I'm some sort of brat for not winning, and now I'm just going to complain on my blog for sympathy, but let me explain: 

I have been trying to get into News Crew for the longest time!

News Crew has basically become my life!

I spend hours perfecting an article!
 News Crew means so much to me. When I get on to the Daily Explorer every morning, there's always that one morning every three to four weeks when I have this feeling of apprehension, because I'm very excited to see who won, and I'm also pretty sure it isn't me.
It never is me.

Now, let me explain, it really isn't about the prizes for me. When you win the contest,  you get that cool camera badge and the plaque. These things would be nice to have, but for me it's really just getting featured on the DE. Because the DE is my favourite spot in the community of AJ. It's where I find the nice Jammers, the ones that may eventually become my friends.
I also really want Major Spiritmoon to have his/her picture up on a post.

However, if I do happen to find the username of the person who wrote the article, I usually send them a JAG congratulating them on a job well done. This time was no different.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for her, I'm not bitter at her, I'm actually very happy, so this congratulations was completely 100% honest. 

The thing is, it's just so hard to get your article published, there are probably tens of thousands of entries, but for some reason I just keep holding on and thinking that I will make the News Crew.

I'm not sure if I'll keep on writing articles for the contest, but something tells me I'll never give up until I get that article on the Daily Explorer.

Here's my losing article:

News Crew – Interview with an Athlete
Hiya there Jammers! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional athlete? Well, today I have with me a very special guest: Eternal Spiritmoon! She has competed in over fifty competitions worldwide, and this year, the Summer Games for Track and Field!
Eternal: Hey Jammers, how have your summer’s been so far?
So let’s get to the interview, shall we?
Major: What was the best advice that you’ve ever been given?
Eternal: Probably to never give up on your dreams, so many people do every day, and it’s important to not be one of those people!
Major: That’s some great advice! What do you think your greatest achievement to date is?
Eternal: That would have to be when I won a gold medal in the one hundred meter dash last year. What a thrill!
Major: What are some of your best memories as a professional athlete?
Eternal: Making the team for the Summer Games, as well as all of the friends I’ve made at competitions. They help me when I’m down, and cheer me on when I compete.
Major: Those must be great friends! And now for our last question, what got you interested in sports in the first place?
Eternal: Well when I was in school all of my friends told me how fast I was, me being a cheetah and all, so I tried out for a local team and trained hard, and now here I am!
Major: It was a pleasure talking to you Eternal!
Eternal: Thanks for having me Major.
All right jammers, now it’s time for a short quiz to see how well you payed attention to that pawsome interview! Question one: What sport does Eternal compete in? ……. If you answered Track and Field, you’re correct! Question two, what was the best advice Eternal has ever heard? DING DING DING! Time’s up. The answer is: To never give up on your dreams!
Great job to you, and good luck to Eternal in her future competitions!
-Major Spiritmoon

Today's masterpiece:


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Things I do When Bored on AJ

(Does anyone else find it kind of weird that I literally restate the title in my first picture???)
Hey dudes! I'm not even going to bother with an opening paragraph all formal and everything, let's just jump right into it!
1. Decorate a new den

Ah, you know that feeling when a new den comes out in the Diamond Shop that you've been saving up for for a long time? Where you buy that sweet new den and just go crazy decorating it? For me, that feeling never gets old, so I can keep decorating and decorating and not get too bored.

That's my motto ;)
2. Make new looks

See previous posts for details. 
It's always better to have a whole bunch of awesome looks to choose from, other than just one main look, so spend your time making up new interesting and unconventional looks!
The best part is, you have this excuse:

3. Stalk your buddies

If you've been my buddy for a while, and we know each other relatively well, then chances are you've been stalked by me before.... does that sound creepy? That's because it kind of is XD

When I get super duper bored (and I don't feel like interacting with anyone that day), I randomly pick a friend off my buddy list, follow them, and if they're in the middle of something, stand around awkwardly and wait for them to finish. Once they finish, I leave. I'm honestly not sure why I do this... but it can be loads of fun XD

No joke, this actually happened once.

4. Do adventures

For me, a great way to de-stress is to go play the Forgotten Desert with my sis and a few of my buddies. Sometimes we would spemd up to two or three hours straight just playing the Forgotten Desert over and over again. Another great adventure is Bubble Trouble, which is easy and fun, plus, if you just generally dislike people, that adventure is the one for you!
5. Start blogging!
I'm pretty sure a lot of you who read this blog already have your own that you tend to, and in your case, just start a new and engaging post, the time just flies when you have fun.

If you don't have a blog already, make one! So what if you don't get a bajillion views straight out? As long as you have fun, it doesnt matter how famous or popular you are. This is an important lesson to learn.

This post's masterpiece is...

An amazing rendition of "A Sunday Afternoon" by windyciyblues. That's such a peaceful username, I love it!

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

My Animal Jam Tag

Greetings Jammers!
Today I have for you a list of ten questions that you may answer in the comments if you so wish. These questions are AJ related and I hope you have fun answering them!
My answers are below the questions and are not in bold.

1. What is your username on AJ?

My username is pinpun!
2. Can you explain how you got that username?

I'm not sure exactly... I just mashed two words together really...

3. Who is your BFF on AJ? (It could be more than one person)

I love all my buddies, but I don't think I'm close enough to anyone in particular except my sister

4. Do you have a blog? If so, link please!
Why yes, I do have a blog, it's called the Animal Jam Sage and you're in it right at this moment!
5. Who is your most "famous" buddy?

I would say either Nafaria9 or Elmshade (An artist and my inspiration)

6. When did you start playing Animal Jam?

Around 2011, 2012... I was seven at the time so I don't really remember!
7. What is your most favourite thing about AJ?

The masterpieces and the fact that there are so many nice people, if you just know where to look.

8. Least favourite thing about AJ?

Scamming, hacking, greed especially. Also the fact that some people just can't understand other's beliefs (being gay, a different race etc.)

9. Who is your idol in the AJ community?

Elmshade, Snowyclaw, or Naffy!
10. How many buddies do you have currently?

I have fourty eight buddies, but I try to keep it under fifty, so I'm getting a little close!

I hope you have fun answering these questions in the comments!

(PS. My apologies, I'm having a hard time with Blogger at the moment, please excuse the lousy formatting)

Monday, August 08, 2016

How I Make my Outfits

Greetings all you wonderful Jammers!
Today (as you can tell from the title) I am going to be showing you how I make my looks. Now I'm not exactly what you'd call a "fashionista" but I have had some experience with fashion on AJ.So without further ado, here's how I make my looks on Animal Jam:

Now this one should be easy peasy, unless you have no idea if you should do a horse or a rabbit, in which case, I suggest a game of  Rock, Paper Scissors with a buddy to determine which one. If you want to make a main look, here are some animals to avoid (I mean, you could do these animals if you want to, but I never had, so good for you if your main look is on the list, because you've done what I never could do, and that is make a great look with that animal!)

And lions
These are hard for me to make looks with because there aren't many things that look good with these animals (especially the elephants). 

For my main look, I chose a purple colour as a main colour, and then added the grey later because I thought it looked best, making the purple stand out. Here are some other great colour schemes you could use:

Brown and red, plus white

Black and green, plus white

Black, grey, and white

Black and yellow

White, black and purple

White and brown (love this look, so comfy!)


It's always better to have a look through your inventory before heading for Jam Mart Clothing. Look specifically for things that fit into your colour scheme, say your colour scheme was black, grey and white, look for things that are those colours predominantly. If you absolutely cannot find anything with those colours, then have a look throught the Clothing Shop, but it isn't good to spend your hard earned gems on something that you don't necessarily need to buy.

Also, I should've mentioned this as one of the steps, but try to have a theme or a style. I was going for a sort of punk/ rebel vibe (not to say that worked out entirely).
Some other styles include cute:



Cutesy explorer

Cozy nerdy


And Bread.

 And now onto step four!

I chose to go with no pattern, because I'm more of a simple person. However, if you like to make looks with cool patterns, make sure to make the colour of your pattern one of the colours in your colour scheme. This is what Major Spiritmoon would look like if I had to choose a different pattern:

Ew. And that proves that if you don't have the right pattern, an otherwise good look could turn into a mess.

This is the step where you can take your awesome look, and see where you could improve it. Say, look for a neck item that might go with the theme a little bit better than what you have right now. Or change the colour of your base ever so slightly. It's these little changes that can make a world of difference!

And here is today's Amazing Masterpiece!

A very creative and original fox drawing by Nimadoodle (I love that name!)

Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Random Updates, Random Thoughts.... etc.

Yes! I am finally back on my brain child! This feels so good. I also feel like I owe you an apology. You see, out of the blue, my parents decided to shut off the wifi, which happens every once in a while (phooey).

They do this because we spend waaaaay too much time on our screens, not to say that we don't, but I spend my time interacting with friends and making new ones, so it isn't a complete waste of time.

Unfortunately, you're going to have to expect much less posts from now on... I'm really very sorry!
(Oh my gosh, so Canadian of me, eh?)

Anyways, the most exciting thing that happened to me was that I got a FOURTH TOMATO PLANT! I don't usually see these things around, but when I do, I trade or them, because they are my favourite den items in the ENTIRE GAME!

Sorry, the picture is way off centre!
AAAAAlso, when I logged in today, I had EIGHT WHOLE JAGS just sitting in my inbox. 

Who knew I was that popular XD

Most of them were just random things from my sister, not too sure why she gave them to me, but, thanks sis!

I also got two buddy requests. I have no idea why because I literally never go out of my den unless I go to a buddies den... in which case, I hardly ever meet new people. I live a sad, antisocial life, don't I?

I was also a slob when I forgot to give a couple of my friends copies of their masterpieces that I owed them, so I'm really sorry friends!

I'd also like to introduce a new segment to my blog called..... drum roll please....

"Amazing Masterpieces!"

Yes, Pin, very original *pats myself on the back*

Anyways, every post that I make here will have a highlighted masterpiece. This next one so happens to not be in WisteriaMoon's den, much to my surprise. It's estimated worth is around one black long collar, it's THAT good...

Do you see this amazingness????

This, my friends, is true art. The details, the shading, the contrast, on point. Amazing job Scalebat!

That's about all for this post Jammers! Thanks for stopping by!
